Quiz – Is your website is generating $ as it should?
You might say to me: “My website was created to promote my service / product”.
Is that the best reason for you to invest in a website?
Yes /
Your website should have been created with the aim of generating business. An audience does not pay your bills …
The main objective of a website is not to “show up on the internet”, but rather to generate leads from prospects interested in your service OR to sell your products (in the case of e-commerce).
It is very important for you to know that today on the internet according to websitesetup.org there are more than 1.7 billion active websites! 530 thousand are created every day! In the world today, 4.5 billion people contribute to the internet in some way.
For you who are starting an entreprenuership, a freelance gig, a new online store or even a side hustle, it is useless to have an institutional website created for you. An institutional website is one where you present your company with basic information about “Who we are”, “Our Services”, “Contact us”.
In other words, a website that brings very “thin” information, writen with vague message or cliche’s such as: “Accelerate the growth of your company with our CRM software” or “Make your career dreams come true with my coaching sessions”… Or “we take you to the next level” …
In other words, (the above) describes a website with no marketing and sales strategy. Such a website will not generate leads and sales. You can write that down. You will spend time and money for nothing. There will only be one more in the bucket of 1.7 billion websites on the net.
Why is it important to have a website created by a professional web designer for your company?
- You will be able to reach more consumers or prospects if Seo techniques are applied on your website – what a lay person does not know how to do
- You will give the customer greater credibility. There is a survey by Google called zero moment of truth that indicates that the prospect at the zero moment of purchase finds answers to the questions he has and will usually search the seller’s website before giving the final yes to the purchase. Example: I saw an advertisement for a course on how to make macrame. I want to see that person’s website with student testimonials, teacher profile etc.
- Your website is the first impression and point of contact with the visitor
What is a good website to start with?
- A good site is not a beautiful site
- A good website is a website with a pleasant aesthetic, yes, but with functionality that helps your visitor to find what he wants and that undo the objections regarding the purchase (in the copy)
- A website where the navigation structure helps to find the product with the least possible clicks
- A website where the copy speaks directly to the target audience. For example, if your website sells children’s clothing, you are probably talking to moms with kids <12 years old, on a limited budget. You need to tailor your message to that group of people.
- As for the design: an in-brand and modern website, with good resolution photos, responsive on the phone, with its easy to find contact information.